Dental Bridges in Winnipeg
If you have one or more missing teeth, or you’re looking for a cosmetic and functional upgrade from a removable partial denture, a fixed dental bridge may be the answer. While the primary goal of a bridge is to prevent missing teeth, it can also keep surrounding teeth from shifting out of alignment.
What is a Dental Bridge?
A dental bridge is a permanent, fixed dental appliance designed to match the look and feel of your natural teeth. It consists of a set of artificial replacement teeth held in place by two crowns that serve as anchors.
What Does Getting a Fixed Bridge Entail?
A fixed dental bridge takes planning, preparation and then the actual procedure itself – that is why it takes multiple visits. We begin by taking a mold of your teeth, and will also put a temporary bridge in place to protect your teeth while we create your permanent bridge.
During the next visit we will test your new porcelain bridge and affix it in place. We will generally wait until a further visit, when your teeth and surrounding tissue have settled, before permanently cementing it in place.
Caring for a Dental Bridge:
We will leave you with full care instructions on completion of the procedure. Proper oral care, hygiene and diet will all help ensure the health of the bridge. We will also recommend future check-ups to ensure all is well with your new dental bridge.